Ensemble for These Times logo
music that resonates today and speaks to tomorrow

The sixth edition of E4TT's annual favorite and the Second Year of E4TT's Collaboration with Luna Composition Lab.

Featuring works by chosen from E4TT's 2023 Call for Scores with Luna Composition Lab alums:
  • Three submitted scores by: Olivia Bennett, Gabriella Carrido, and Devon Lee
    Two commissioned World Premieres by: Lucy Chen and Madeline Clara Cheng. (Caleb Palka's commission has been postponed to next season.)

  • PLUS: "Manhattan Serenades" (1995) for cello and piano by Gabriela Lena Frank Gabriela Lena Frank (b. 1972). Listen to E4TT perform her "Khazn's Recitative: Elu D'vorim":

    "Twelve Chairs" (2014) for voice and piano by Jodi Goble Jodi Goble". Listen to it:
    Jodi Goble · Twelve Chairs Part 1

    "Sin vos" from Juana (2019) for soprano and piano by E4TT "For Good Measure" composer Carla Lucero (b. 1964). Listen to it:
    Carla Lucero · Juana - "Sin Voz"

    "Midnight Snack"" (2019), for soprano and piano by Akshaya Avril Tucker (b. 1992) Listen to it:
    AkshayaTucker · Midnight Snack

    E4TT (soprano Nanette McGuinness and pianist Margaret Halbig) with coloratura soprano Chelsea Hollow and cellist Griffin Seuter
    E4TT musicians and composers will be going to Cityscape San Francisco after the concert.
    Stop by, enjoy the amazing view, and say hello!

    E4TT's 2023 Call for Scores is part of a two-year collaboration with Luna Composition Lab.